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morbidity and mortality weekly report中文是什么意思

用"morbidity and mortality weekly report"造句"morbidity and mortality weekly report"怎么读"morbidity and mortality weekly report" in a sentence


  • 发病率和死亡率周报
  • 发病率与死亡率周刊


  • The new research is being published this week in the cdc publication , morbidity and mortality weekly report
  • May 18 , 2007 ? in the first documented us case of eczema accinatum ( e ) since 1988 , reported in the may 18 issue of the morbidity and mortality weekly report , secondary transmission of accinia irus occurred from a father accinated for smallpox to his child
  • May 18 , 2007 ? in the first documented us case of eczema vaccinatum ( ev ) since 1988 , reported in the may 18 issue of the morbidity and mortality weekly report , secondary transmission of vaccinia virus occurred from a father vaccinated for smallpox to his child
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